ThrowUp20.18 had its official opening night in March 2019 at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery and it had a great success. Opening night couldn’t of went any better, with many people joining us to take in the great range of prints that were created by all 4 artists. The night ended with a terrific Q+A session, commentated by Iain MacDonald. With spectacular answers from artists, John McNaught, Roddy Buchanan and Tom smith and also from the Camanachd Association.
After the Exhibition was finished in IMAG, John McNaughts work had a solo exhibition for a month at Aros Community Theatre, Portree.
For more in-depth information on the ThrowUp20.18 project, visit here.
This project was funded by Highland Culture Strategic Board’s ‘Take Pride, Take Part.’
- Preview of Throw Up 20.18 exhibition with Q&A at IMAG. ©Paul Campbell.