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Beginners Etching (2 Day Workshop)
Saturday 16th March & Sunday 17th March 2025 | 10am – 4pm

This weekend class will be a great introduction to etching. Working directly onto a steel plate you will develop images through various hand applied techniques, learn how to ink and print the plate using our Rochat printing press and finish the weekend with a small edition of prints.




We are looking for men aged 60+ above to join this years edition of WISE GUYS
Wise Guys is the Studio’s long-running classes for older men, where participants get the chance to try their hand at techniques like Woodcut and Etching. Taking part in WISE GUYS is free, thanks to the support of the Highland Council Inverness Central Ward Discretionary Fund


20:20 Print Exchange Touring Exhibition

7th February 2025 – 1st March 2025

Please join us from Wednesday 6th of February until the 1st of March for our new exhibition of over 700 sensational original prints! These prints are all part of the touring exhibition from the current edition of the 20:20 print exchange. 10 of our members took part in the exchange, along with over 700 artists and 47 print groups internationally.

Our studio walls have been taken over by all 702 prints, spanning across all four floors. This is a really special opportunity to make your way through our unique space and see the work alongside our presses, equipment and studio users all working away.

We really hope to see you at the studio for this unique exhibition while we have it and before it continues on its tour.

Admission: FREE
Address: Highland Print Studio, 20 Bank St, Inverness, IV1 1QU

Highland Print Studio is open to the public Tuesday – Saturday from 10am – 6pm
(we close from 1:30 – 2:30pm for lunch)


The Highland Print Studio Class Programme for 2025 is now LIVE! Starting in February and running through until June, this block of classes is varied and provides an opportunity for people to come by and take part in many areas of Printmaking and immerse themselves in our studio facilities here in heart of Inverness. 2024 saw the studio run a number of successful classes bringing many people into the studio and introducing them to printmaking. Whether they were exploring something entirely new and engaging in creativity, developing their practice in a specific technique or an experienced printmaker trying something different, the 2024 season of classes did it all! We wanted to carry that momentum over and make sure to bring a wide range of classes and dates to ensure that people had the opportunity to take part and join us in a class in 2025.

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Our Studio

Traditional techniques, contemporary creations
The art of printmaking is centuries old, and here at Highland Print Studio, we’re proud to give artists the space to keep this tradition alive.
Whether you’re a practicing artist looking for space and the resources to create prints or are simply interested in learning printmaking for your own pleasure, we’d be delighted to welcome you to our studio.

Use Our Studio Space


Discover what makes printmaking unique

Printmaking is a skilled and hands-on process, the roots of which date back centuries. Depending on the technique used, the artist will cut into a block of wood, or draw into and etch a copper plate, ink it up and make a print. Although they may produce a number of prints, each one will be unique.

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Start your printmaking journey

Our Studio is open to everyone, not just practising artists. The first step is to book a course or one-to-one tuition with us, so that you know the basics of your chosen technique and can work safely in the Studio. Then you’ll be ready to unleash your creative side, develop your skills and experiment with printmaking.

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Throughout November 2023, a remarkable series of temporary outdoor artworks created by young people was unveiled along the National Cycle Network in Scotland. ‘ShapeChangers’ aimed to empower young people and inspire residents of Glasgow, Alloa, Greenock and Inverness to explore their local areas by walking, wheeling, and cycling on the National Cycle Network.

This was how Sustrans Scotland introduced their flagship arts project of 2023, with Highland Print Studio being one of four organisations chosen to work with young people to create substantial artworks for the network. The principle behind the project was to allow the young people to learn all aspects involved in creating a public artwork.

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